Member Resource Center

Welcome! If your firm recently joined AGC Georgia, or you just joined a company that is a member of our association, this section of our website will be a wealth of knowledge for you. Consider the below information your CliffsNotes® to an active membership in AGC Georgia. 

If you have questions about any of the below information, please know you are welcome to call the AGC Georgia main number at 678-298-4100 or to click on the last section on this page to see each staff members’ area of work.

What's in AGC Georgia for Me?

For an introductory look at "all things AGC Georgia," take a moment to review the information provided in this section.
Read more.

Your Member Profile

Edit your company's information to help visitors find your company in our online search.
Watch the video tutorial.
View photo walk-through.


Get Connected

Have a passion for safety, technology, workforce development, or human resources?
Join one of our online communities.
Attend an upcoming networking event.

Young Leadership Program

Under 40 and looking for networking events as well as an opportunity to give back to the community?
Learn more about our Young Leadership Program.

New Member Email Series

Emails covering a variety of information are sent over a 2 month period to help individuals learn about the association's most popular offerings. These messages are emailed to those who provide their email to AGC Georgia at the time of application.

Member Savings

Being a member of AGC Georgia gives you the opportunity to take part in both corporate and individual employee benefits.
Start saving today!

Education Opportunities

Brush up your knowledge or learn something new at one of our professional development, safety, or technology courses.
View our calendar.


Ask one of our staff members if you have any questions regarding your AGC Georgia membership.