
In this fast-paced, ever-changing and competitive world we live in, knowledge is power as it relates to job performance, career advancement and maximizing one’s leadership capabilities. For the less-experienced or highly-seasoned construction professional both in the field and office, acquiring and strengthening soft skills can be just as or even more important in some instances as learning or refreshing basic and advanced technical skills. 

AGC Georgia embraces the philosophy that a person is never too old or experienced to learn. In fact, regardless of a person’s position or tenure with a company, a commitment to life-long learning will serve you, your company, and customers well. This way of thinking is at the heart of the education and training opportunities many of our member firms and their respective employees have come to rely on. 

Throughout the year, AGC Georgia members have an opportunity to benefit from one or more of the following education and training services focusing on professional, leadership, and career development—these services are in addition to the many safety classes and programs we offer:
  • Classroom instruction on a wide range of industry and professional development topics 
  • Roundtable programs organized and hosted by the Young Leadership Program and Lean Construction Program
  • Technology forums organized and hosted by the Technology Committee
  • Educational workshops and seminars convened during special AGC Georgia conferences
  • Articles published in the Chapter’s Georgia Construction Today magazine and AGC of America’s Constructor magazine
  • Special industry reports and AGC national survey results
  • Participation in AGC e-forums and webinars
  • National industry conferences and conventions hosted by AGC of America focusing on specific topics or learning tracks—eg. federal work, human resources & training, leadership, lean construction, BIM, etc.
Click here to view a complete list of Education programs.

Need Continuing
Education Units?

Most of AGC Georgia's courses are approved for individuals wanting to earn continuing education units for Residential-Basic or Residential-Light Commercial licenses under Georgia’s State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors.

Please note, at current time, those holding a General Contractor license are not required to earn CEUs.


  • NPDES Re-Certifications for Level 1A, Level 1B, and Level II are taught in the AGC Georgia Training Center. Please see the education calendar for upcoming courses. 
  • To learn more about NASCLA/Georgia Licensing Exam Prep and Continuing Education Course and to register with the instructor, please visit
  • Learn more about an extensive library of online courses offered by ClickSafety at a 10% savings for AGC Georgia members.
  • Online LEED Training in partnership with Sustainable Investment Group

Georgia 811 Damage Prevention Competent Person Training
Safe digging stakeholders throughout the state are encouraged to take the easily accessible online course to ensure their proficiency of safe digging methods in Georgia.
Click Here for Registration