Giving Back

AGC Georgia has a long history of giving back to the community whether it is volunteering time, monies, food, toys, building materials, construction know-how, or labor. This effort has been led by the young industry professionals participating in the Young Leadership Program (YLP) who continue to play a major role in our community service endeavors.

The YLP’s primary fundraising event held each year in May is the Golf Classic. While planning for this event helps young leaders learn how to organize and implement this highly-anticipated and well-attended event, it is also a tremendous success in raising substantial monies. These monies after expenses are used to help support many worthy causes including children and families in need.

With over 280 people participating in the May 2019 Golf Classic, it netted over $80,000 in donations. Much of this is attributed to a sizeable increase in sponsorship support. To learn about YLP sponsorship opportunities for this tournament, contact Machell Harper at 

In 2013, the Chapter created the AGC of Georgia Foundation, Inc.  a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt entity approved by the IRS. The Foundation makes it easier for individuals and companies to make tax-deductible contributions to support a twofold mission: (1) improving local communities through charitable giving, and (2) supporting quality construction education. For decades, similar to our charitable giving track record, AGC Georgia has successfully funded construction management undergraduate student scholarships and university construction program initiatives, including capital improvements. View or download the Foundation brochure.

This new Foundation took the place of what was previously known as the YLP Charitable Works Fund.

In addition to what is accomplished by YLP, many member firms are very involved in the local communities where they live and work around the state.  These company leaders and employees embrace the importance of giving back in many different ways whether it is supporting a summer camp program for kids, serving on a bank board, mentoring high school students, or donating materials for students to use in construction classes. 

There are also numerous opportunities for members to give back by volunteering their time to AGC Georgia or AGC of America serving on a task force or committee, participating in one of our regional workforce alliance programs to help attract more young people to the construction industry, or organizing a field trip on one of your jobsites for students in the local construction program. 

Bottom line—there are many ways for you to get involved and at the same time, give back.  Want ideas—contact AGC Georgia senior staff to help you explore options and find the best fit.