General Contractor Membership FAQ

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A general contractor's annual flat fee dues investment will be based on its Gross Construction Revenue (GCR), the single total figure of all the jobs, public and private from the firm's most recently completed fiscal year. Below you will find a Q & A section identifying some key questions that may be asked by a prospective member. Should you have more questions about how the dues investment works at  AGC Georgia, please contact Machell Harper, Senior Director of Member Services at 678.298.4108 or by email at

1) What is the definition of covered work for the purpose of determining my GCR?
Your GCR includes all private and public construction work, whether negotiated or competitively bid, including work done by wholly-owned subsidiaries who are not regular members and the percentage of your participation in joint ventures. ***If not specifically excluded, all work must be included in your GCR figure. 

2) How do I report my firm's GCR to AGC Georgia?
Review the chart below these questions and answers and determine what category is appropriate for your firm based on the GCR figure. Each August after your initial report in the membership application, you will receive a GCR form to report figures from your most recently completed fiscal year.

3) What is the verification method of reporting my firm's GCR to AGC Georgia?
A firm can use any financial report available to determine their GCR. Audited reports or CPA generated reports are accepted, but not necessary.

All AGC Georgia asks is that your GCR be signed by the President, Chief Executive Officer, or Chief Operating Officer. This is based on the honor system and follows AGC's motto of: Skill, Integrity and Responsibility.

4) When will our firm be invoiced? 
Upon joining AGC Georgia your firm will be initially invoiced for the remaining quarters of the current year. After this initial billing method, your dues invoice for the upcoming year will be mailed each December, representing the entire dues for the next year.

5) When is payment due and what are the payment options?
Each year's dues are payable in full or quarterly installments with the full payment due January 31 or quarterly payments due each January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31. Should you join in the middle of a quarter, your firm is only responsible for the remaining full quarters of the year. This amount is payable in full or in quarterly installments on the dates mentioned above. 

6) Are my firm's dues a business expense?
Dues payments and other fees are deductible as ordinary and necessary business expense under IRS Code Section 162. Dues and similar payments, as well as contributions and gifts, are not deductible as Charitable Contributions.

7) Is non-payment a form of terminating my firm's membership in the AGC Georgia?
It is not the policy of AGC Georgia to automatically terminate memberships. Accordingly it is the responsibility of the member to inform the chapter, specifically Machell Harper, Senior Director of Member Services (678.298.4108) if you do not intend to renew.

Completed applications for membership are presented to the chapter's Board of Directors for approval.

Dues Fees & Schedule

*Introductory Offer for general contractor firms that have never held membership in AGC Georgia --
     First year dues for any size firm will be 25% of firms GCR. Subsequent year dues are pro-rated based on the below chart.


Gross Construction Receipts Volume Range Annual Flat Fee  Each level of dues investment includes all
AGC of America dues, AGC Georgia dues,
and fees.
 $0 - 499,999  $1,548* 15 - 15,999,999   $10,284
 .5 - 999,999   1,904 16 - 16,999,999    10,640
 1 - 1,999,999   2,376 17 - 17,999,999  11,056
 2 - 2,999,999   3,568 18 - 18,999,999   11,416
 3 - 3,999,999   4,820 19 - 19,999,999   11,772
 4 - 4,999,999   6,120 20 - 20,999,999   12,124
 5 - 5,999,999   6,480 21 - 24,999,999   12,720
 6 - 6,999,999   6,896 25 - 29,999,999   13,852
 7 - 7,999,999   7,256 30 - 34,999,999   14,860
 8 - 8,999,999   7,612 35 - 39,999,999  15,748
 9 - 9,999,999   7,968 40 - 44,999,999   16,700
10 - 10,999,999    8,380 45 - 49,999,999   17,656
11 - 11,999,999    8,740 50 - 74,999,999   19,080
12 - 12,999,999   9,096 75 - 99,999,999   20,388
13 - 13,999,999    9,572 100+   21,812
14 - 14,999,999    9,808    

Second year's dues investment is half of firm's GCR based on join date with December 31st being the end date. Please contact Machell Harper, Senior Director of Member Services, at 678.298.4108 or for more information.

Third year's dues investment will be normal dues as reported on the previous year's GCR. (see chart above)