Did NOT find an existing record?
First and last name search terms along with any additional information you entered must be a match to information contained in our system. When searching, be sure the information entered is correct; note if you provided AGC Georgia with only your first initial or an informal/casual name instead of your full first name for your account, you may be able to locate your account by entering your first initial or informal name (i.e., W., Bill) in the "First Name" field. Still not able to locate your record? Proceed to
create a new account or contact AGC Georgia at
(678) 298-4100 for assistance or to inquire about the status of your membership.
Found your user name?
Click the "
Forgot My Username" link on the
Sign In page and enter the email address you used when you created your account. We will send your username to that address. If you have also forgotten your password, return to the
login screen and click "Forgot My Password." Enter the username you received in the email, and we will send you a second message with a link to reset your password.